External Media ManagementAutoVAULT provides an interface to media management software to track your TSM Media movement. In new version 3 it creates separate tape-off and tape-on interface files for each vault location plus a unique interface file for media returned for emergency use. Interface Files
AutoVAULT creates several interface files that you can use for additional functions and scripting. The QwikScan™ interface uses these files to coordinate media changes to its external media management software, but you can also use the files for other uses. The following files are located in the AutoVAULT “reports” directory and are created every time AutoVAULT is executed. For all file names: “tapeon” indicates media moving onsite, “tapeoff” indicates media moving offsite, and “tapelist” indicates an inventory of all media currently offsite. tapeon_volumes.txt, tapeoff_volumes.txt - These two files contain only the volume name of media that was moved onsite or offsite. They can be used to interface with Gresham EDT or other external media managers. The vault location is not included in these files.
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