PRESS INFORMATION FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Code Relief Launches Scripts Depot for TSM UsersA
free forum to learn from and share scripts & scripting tips with
other TSM users.
PA- March 6, 2001 Code Relief LLC, developer of AutoVault, a Tape Vaulting
and Disaster Recovery application for Tivoli Storage Manager™, today
launched its Scripts Depot for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM, formerly
IBM’s ADSM) users. The
Scripts Depot is housed on the Code Relief web site as a repository of
useful, freeware scripts, tips and links to improve the use of TSM.
See http://www.coderelief.com and choose TSM Scripts Depot.
Its format is an open discussion group, and it is organized by
TSM topic. A well-known and very
helpful “ADSM listserv”, hosted by marist.edu and also by adsm.org,
is an excellent communication tool for TSM users.
The Code Relief Scripts Depot adds to this great tool by
providing a mechanism to discuss, store and search on scripts and tips.
It has the unique ability to upload attached files so the format
of the scripts are preserved, which fulfills an important need for TSM
users. Early user feedback has been very supportive and happy
to have this important TSM need addressed:
“Glad to hear there is
finally a repository for TSM scripts.
I look forward to visiting this site and “grazing in the
grass" of what I'm sure are some very good scripts” Users can easily reach the
scripts and do not need any logon or password.
When a user wishes to add a new script, they have the option to
assign themselves a logon id and password so they may return and modify
the script in the future. Credit
for the script is given to the writer and the writer’s email address
is included. The site is
moderated to keep the content applicable and helpful. Code Relief will next be launching a discussion group for users of
AutoVault. Fulfilling a critical need not addressed in the marketplace,
AutoVault provides an innovative, easy-to-implement solution to equip
companies to quickly recover from a data disaster and avoid costly
technician time for the daily management of media vaulting.
AutoVault also provides support for backup-set vaulting, an
important feature that is not included in any of the TSM product line.
tested Autovault and found it very simple to use - instantly
configurable and ready to go in only 5 or 10 minutes.
I was very impressed and pleased with the ease of use and how
quickly it took to set up - compared to Tivoli's DRM - which takes up a
whole chapter of their ADMIN guide.
It is a pleasure to use!
Lake, TBG European IT To be fully covered in the
event of a disaster, companies need both to ensure that their media is
where it should be, and to have the ability to recover their TSM server
quickly. Automation of these important functions is not included in
the base TSM application. AutoVault, used with TSM or ADSM, automates
recovery making companies ready to recover quickly from any data loss. Pricing and Availability of Code Relief's AutoVAULTToday’s
AutoVAULT release runs under Windows™ and
manages/restores TSM servers on Windows, AIX, Solaris, and HP-UX operating systems. AutoVault lists for
$2995 US per TSM server.
It is available through a network of TSM VARs worldwide
and direct from the Code Relief Online Store via Electronic
Download http://www.coderelief.com/purchase.htm. About Code Relief, LLCCode Relief, LLC is a premier provider of innovative storage management software. Code Relief develops and distributes AutoVAULT. For more information, contact Michelle Hnath at 1-610-914-7595 or email info@coderelief.com. AutoVAULT is a trademark of Code Relief, LLC. Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) is a trademark of Tivoli Systems Inc. ADSM (ADSTAR) and AIX are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Windows NT and Windows 2000 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Phone: (1) 888-402-6937, info@coderelief.com